Mean transit times simulations with the EcH2O-iso model

  • Sylvain Kuppel (Creator)
  • Doerthe Tetzlaff (Creator)
  • Marco Maneta (Creator)
  • Chris Soulsby (Creator)



Input, forcing and and output files, as well as running and plotting scripts used in the numerical experiments with the EcH2O-iso critical zone model described in Kuppel et al. manuscript "Catchment storage control on the transit times of ecohydrological fluxes" submitted for publication to Geophysical Research Letters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ensemble simulations NetCDF maps and time series used in the analysis can be found in the Output_w30Yspin directory. Time series covers the whole simulations (02/2013 - 08/2016 + 30-yr spinup) while maps are output The ensemble simulations are launch by executing the jobRuns shellscript. It calls the Multitool_* python scripts , which uses (see also options in the header of - a global definition file located in the root directory, here - a EcH2O-iso executable; here the ech2o_iso file has been compiled for a linux environment. The source code of EcH2O-iso is available here (branch master_2.0 used in this study), and the associated documentation here. - Input_Configs contains template configurations files for EcH2O-iso: one for general simulations (config_w30Yspin.ini), one for options regarding the "tracking" (i.e. water isotopes and ages) mode (configTrck_w30Yspin.ini) - Input_Forcings contains the meteorological forcing files needed for simulations - Input_Params contains the ensemble parameter file used for the simulations - Input_Maps_100m contains the maps defining the simulated domain at the 100-m resolution used in the study, as well as the vegetation-specifics files, some of which are modified using the values contained in the ensemble parameter file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plots The R plotting scripts found in the Plotting_scripts directory generate the basic plots used in the submitted manuscript (see examples in Plots directory), with some post-editing using a vector graphics editor.
Date made available2019

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