FLUOstar Omega plate reader

Research Facilities: Equipment



    The FLUOstar® Omega is a multi-mode 96 well microplate reader. It utilizes an ultra-fast UV/vis spectrometer or filters for absorbance as well as highly sensitive filters for all other detection modes with a range of 220 - 1000 nm for ABS, 240 - 740 nm or 240 - 900 nm for FI, FP, TRF and 240 - 740 nm for LUM. It has a sensitivity of < 0.2 fmol/well. It is routinely used with Invitrogen Quant-iT assay kits with advanced fluorophores that become fluorescent upon binding to DNA, RNA, or proteins; the fluorescence intensity of the resulting complex depends directly on the amount of the target molecule in the sample allowing accurate and sensitive quantification.


    NameFLUOstar Omega plate reader
    ManufacturersBMG Labtech


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