Book Reviews: Alice Roberts, illustrated by James Weston Lewis. 2020. Human journey. London: Red Shed; 978-1-4052-9145-3; Sidra Ansari & Chris Fenton Thomas, illustrated by Rosie Haine 2022. A Ladybird book: the Stone Age. London: Penguin Random House; 978-0-241-54419-8

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Books about prehistory for younger readers help shape attitudes to our deep past, so it is interesting to explore how new publications reflect this rapidly changing field. Alice Roberts’ Human journey offers a highly accessible introduction to prehistory for upper primary and lower secondary school children. Ably complemented by James Weston Lewis's engaging illustrations, Alice Roberts traces human progression, out of Africa and across the Old World, from the hunter-gatherers on the savannahs down to Neolithic settlement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)760-762
Number of pages3
Issue number393
Early online date26 Apr 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


  • prehistory
  • children’s literature


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