Born to be Gay: Historija Homoseksualnosti

Research output: Book/ReportBook


General History of Sexuality and Gender in a global context.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationZagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrade
PublisherSarajevski Otvoreni Centar; Queeria Center; Queer Zagreb
Number of pages338
ISBN (Print)978-9958-9959-5-8, 978-86-913181-1-6, 978-953-773-0079
Publication statusPublished - May 2012

Bibliographical note

The volume is simultaneously published in Croatia (by Domino-Queer Zagreb); Bosnia (by Sarajevski Otvoreni Centar) and Serbia (by Queeria Center). These are NGOs who have received support from a number of sources, in particular the Norwegian Embassy, to allow them to provide the book free-of-charge in those three countries.


  • sexuality
  • gender
  • history


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