Do weekly on-line homework assignments promote student engagement and enhance learning in first year psychology students?

Jason Bohan, Niamh Stack

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Traditionally universities have employed face-to-face teaching with paper-mediated assignments, but increasingly digital delivery of some course elements is becoming more important. This paper will evaluate whether the use of on-line formative weekly assignments provided by the core text publisher resulted in improved student engagement and exam performance. A mixed method research design was employed which used an online survey and face-to-face interviews carried out in small focus groups. A comparison was also made of the final exam grades of students who regularly did/not engage with the on-line materials. The results indicate that the resources are positively received by students but primarily used as a revision tool. Their use may also be positively related to academic achievement but perhaps only by those already using effective learning strategies.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Psychology of Education Review
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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