Donna Tartt

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Donna Tartt's first novel, The Secret History (1992), was a publishing phenomenon; it sold over five million copies and has been translated into over twenty languages. During the next decade, Tartt published several short stories, “Tam O'Shanter” (The New Yorker, April 1993), “A Christmas Pageant” (Harper's, December 1993), and “A Garter Snake” (GQ, May 1995), the memoirs, “Sleepytown: A Southern Gothic Childhood, with Codeine” (Harper's, July 1992), “Basketball Season”, and “Team spirit: Memories of Being a Freshman Cheerleader for the Basketball Team” (Harper's, April 1994), and a number of essays for Oxford American. Her long-awaited second novel,…
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLiterary Encyclopedia
Subtitle of host publicationAmerican (US) Writing and Culture: Postwar and Contemporary, 1945-present
EditorsEmory Elliott, Dale Enggass, Christopher Hugh Gair, Matthew Hofer, Stephen E. Meats, Kerry Myler, Justin Parks, Nick Selby
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2005

Bibliographical note

Sullivan, Lindsay. "Donna Tartt". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 April 2005


  • Donna Tartt


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