Donna Tartt, The Little Friend

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


Donna Tartt, in an essay entitled “The spirit and writing in a secular world”, says that the novel “addresses many of the same mysteries as does theology – questions of sin, suffering, mortality, fate”. This description is pertinent to Tartt’s The Little Friend, a novel that explores the interconnections of innocence and guilt. Tartt goes on to say: “At its best, the novel is a means to examine moral dilemmas without benefit of heaven or God”. The moral dilemmas of The Little Friend are complex and searching: the events of the novel focus around the attempts of the twelve and a half year-old Harriet Cleve Dufresnes to find out who killed her brother Robin. Harriet is a child playing in a grown-up …
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLiterary Encyclopedia
Subtitle of host publicationAmerican (US) Writing and Culture: Postwar and Contemporary, 1945-present
EditorsEmory Elliott, Dale Enggass, Christopher Hugh Gair, Matthew Hofer, Stephen E. Meats, Kerry Myler, Justin Parks, Nick Selby
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2005

Bibliographical note

Citation: Sullivan, Lindsay. "The Little Friend". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 April 2005


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