Drug resistance in eukaryotic microorganisms

Alan H. Fairlamb, Neil A. R. Gow, Keith R. Matthews (Corresponding Author), Andrew P. Waters

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

116 Citations (Scopus)


Eukaryotic microbial pathogens are major contributors to illness and death globally. Although much of their impact can be controlled by drug therapy as with prokaryotic microorganisms, the emergence of drug resistance has threatened these treatment efforts. Here, we discuss the challenges posed by eukaryotic microbial pathogens and how these are similar to, or differ from,
the challenges of prokaryotic antibiotic resistance. The therapies used for several major eukaryotic microorganisms are then detailed, and the mechanisms that they have evolved to overcome these therapies are described. The rapid emergence of resistance and the restricted pipeline of new drug therapies pose considerable risks to global health and are particularly acute in the developing world. Nonetheless, we detail how the integration of new technology, biological understanding, epidemiology and evolutionary analysis can help sustain existing therapies, anticipate the emergence of resistance or optimize the deployment
of new therapies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number16092
Number of pages14
JournalNature Microbiology
Early online date24 Jun 2016
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016

Bibliographical note

This Review is a collaboration between the Wellcome Trust funded centres of Infectious Disease Research in Scotland (IDRIS). This comprises the Edinburgh University ‘Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution’ (Wellcome Trust grant reference 095831),Glasgow University ‘Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology’ (Wellcome Trust grant reference WT104111AIA), Dundee University Wellcome Trust strategic award in ‘Chemical Biology for Target Identification’ (Wellcome Trust grant reference 10502) and the Aberdeen University Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in ‘Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology’ (Wellcome Trust grant reference 097377). Personal research support involved Wellcome Trust senior investigator awards to K.R.M. (Wellcome Trust grant reference 103740/Z/14/Z) and N.A.R.G. (Wellcome Trust grant reference 101873),
and Wellcome Trust Principal Research fellowships to A.H.F. (Wellcome Trust grant reference 079838) and A.P.W. (Wellcome Trust grant reference 107046/Z/15/Z).


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