Educating Scientists with Plymouth University

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


A science degree must teach students to be scientists. Many students will obtain a science degree and use their newly gained transferable skills to work in non-science avenues but, at the core of every science degree, should be the educating of students to be scientists. Essentially, a science degree should train students to ask and answer questions within their chosen field. You would expect a qualified doctor to have practised medicine during their university education, and likewise, you would expect scientists to practise science. By studying marine biology at Plymouth University I feel I received the very best research education. The marine biology degree programmes deliver essential knowledge, like all traditional degrees, but what makes them stand out is their research-led, question-driven teaching and learning approach. Not only do they provide this essential education as part of the curriculum, marine biologists studying at Plymouth University also benefit from a rich academic environment in which they can feel like a contributing part of the research community
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Specialist publicationThe Plymouth Student Scientist
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

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