Effects of local and global network connectivity on synergistic epidemics

David Broder-Rodgers, Francisco Jose Perez-Reche, Sergei N. Taraskin

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17 Citations (Scopus)


Epidemics in networks can be affected by cooperation in transmission of infection and also connectivity between nodes. An interplay between these two properties and their influence on epidemic spread are addressed in the paper. A particular type of cooperative effects (called synergy effects) is considered, where the transmission rate between a pair of nodes depends on the number of infected neighbors. The connectivity effects are studied by constructing networks of different topology, starting with lattices with only local connectivity and then with networks that have both local and global connectivity obtained by random bond-rewiring to nodes within a certain distance. The susceptible-infected-removed epidemics were found to exhibit several interesting effects: (i) for epidemics with strong constructive synergy spreading in networks with high local connectivity, the bond rewiring has a negative role in epidemic spread, i.e., it reduces invasion probability; (ii) in contrast, for epidemics with destructive or weak constructive synergy spreading on networks of arbitrary local connectivity, rewiring helps epidemics to spread; (iii) and, finally, rewiring always enhances the spread of epidemics, independent of synergy, if the local connectivity is low.
Original languageEnglish
Article number062814
Number of pages14
JournalPhysical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics
Issue number6
Early online date11 Dec 2015
Publication statusPublished - 11 Dec 2015

Bibliographical note

We would like to thank Will Jennings for participating in developing the code used in the simulations


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