Emplacement of oil in the Devonian Weardale Granite of northern England

M Baba* (Corresponding Author), J. Parnell, S. Bowden, Joseph Armstrong, M. Perez, X. Wang

*Corresponding author for this work

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Oil residues occur as solid bitumen in mineralized zones within the Devonian Weardale Granite of the northern Pennines, Northern England. Comparable residues are present in the overlying Mississippian rocks and were probably derived from a Carboniferous source, i.e. during later mineralization of the granite. The bitumen was already solidified during fluorite mineralization, which does not contain oil inclusions. The residues do not show the high thermal maturity of organic matter in the region altered by the earliest Permian Whin Sill. Like the sulphide-fluorite mineralization, oil emplacement post-dated intrusion of the sill. Pyrite associated with the oil residues is enriched in trace elements including lead, silver, gold, selenium and tellurium, which suggests that mineralizing fluids at least shared pathways with migrating hydrocarbons and possibly also suggests undiscovered valuable metal resources.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)229-237
Number of pages9
JournalProceedings Of The Yorkshire Geological Society
Issue number4
Early online date22 Feb 2019
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2019

Bibliographical note

The research was partly supported by NERC grant NE/M010953/1. MB is in receipt of a PhD studentship from PTDF (Nigeria). K.C. Dunham kindly provided samples from the Rookhope Borehole. P. Eakin collected bitumen at Moot Law. We are most grateful to very careful reviews by F. Smith and D. Holliday, which greatly improved presentation of the work.


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