Estimating the industrial waste heat recovery potential based on CO2 emissions in the European non-metallic mineral industry

Laia Miró, Russell McKenna, Tobias Jäger, Luisa F. Cabeza*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


Industrial waste heat (IWH) is a key strategy to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in the industry. But its potential for different countries remains unclear due to a non-existent or inconsistent data basis. The objective of this paper is to assess the IWH potential of the European non-metallic mineral industry, using databases which comprise CO2 emissions of more than 400 industrial sites as well as country- and sector-specific parameters. This sector is selected because of its homogenous nature, meaning that most sites carry out similar or the same processes, which facilitates site-level modelling with subsector-level assumptions. The bottom-up approach is employed to derive the IWH potential for this industry over the period 2007–2012. Average results in this period show an IWH potential per site of 0.33 PJ/a and a potential for the whole sector of 134 PJ/a. The countries with the largest IWH potentials are Germany, Italy, France and Spain with yearly average potentials of 23, 19, 17 and 16 PJ, respectively. The subsector with the most IWH potential is cement. Further work should focus on the improvement of methodologies to assess the IWH potential, in particular through a techno-economic assessment of links between IWH sources and potential sinks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)427-443
Number of pages17
JournalEnergy Efficiency
Early online date17 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018

Bibliographical note

The work is partially funded by the Spanish Government (ENE2015-64117-C5-1-R (MINECO/FEDER)). This project has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE) and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 657466 (INPATH-TES).


  • Cement industry
  • CO emissions
  • Energy recovery
  • Industrial waste heat
  • Non-metallic mineral industry


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