Evidence for social role in a dolphin social network

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

100 Citations (Scopus)


Social animals have to take into consideration the behaviour of conspecifics when making decisions to go by their daily lives. These decisions affect their fitness and there is therefore an evolutionary pressure to try making the right choices. In many instances individuals will make their own choices and the behaviour of the group will be a democratic integration of everyone's decision. However, in some instances it can be advantageous to follow the choice of a few individuals in the group if they have more information regarding the situation that has arisen. Here I provide early evidence that decisions about shifts in activity states in a population of bottlenose dolphin follow such a decision-making process. This unshared consensus is mediated by a non-vocal signal, which can be communicated globally within the dolphin school. These signals are emitted by individuals that tend to have more information about the behaviour of potential competitors because of their position in the social network. I hypothesise that this decision-making process emerged from the social structure of the population and the need to maintain mixed-sex schools.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)357-366
Number of pages10
JournalEvolutionary Ecology
Issue number3
Early online date9 Nov 2006
Publication statusPublished - May 2007


  • bottlenose dolphin
  • unshared consensus
  • social network
  • Tursiops
  • behaviour
  • sociality
  • bottle-nosed dolphins
  • tursiops-truncatus
  • group-size
  • decision-making
  • doubtful sound
  • male chimpanzees
  • killer whales
  • New-Zealand
  • primates


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