Armillaria ostoyae in managed coniferous forests in Kastamonu in Turkey

A. Lehtijärvi*, H. T. Doğmuş-Lehtijärvi, A. G. Aday Kaya, S. Ünal, S. Woodward

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Although several Armillaria species have been reported in Turkey, there is little information about their ecology in Turkish forests. In this study, we investigated five forest stands, approximately 5-74 ha in size, in Kastamonu province in the Black Sea Region of Turkey for the presence of Armillaria species in stumps and logs. The stands were mixed Abies nordmanniana ssp. bornmülleriana and Pinus sylvestris forests managed using a selective cuttings system; the proportion of fir in the total number of stems and stumps ranged from 36 to 98%. Based on sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer and intergenic spacer regions of the rDNA, all rhizomorphs sampled from the stumps and logs were of Armillaria ostoyae. The size of the genets was estimated with random amplified microsatellites analysis of the isolates and ranged from single stumps to approximately 450 m2. One to seven genets were found in each stand. These results indicate that the genets had arisen from spores and vegetative spread was limited on most sites.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12364
JournalForest Pathology
Issue number6
Early online date2 Jul 2017
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017

Bibliographical note

We thank Mertcan Karadeniz for his help in the fieldwork.


  • Pinus sylvestris
  • Abies nordmanniana ssp. bornmülleriana
  • Genet
  • Intergenic spacer
  • Internal transcribed spacer
  • RAMS


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