Inhaler devices for asthma: a call for action in a neglected field

Alberto Papi, John Andrew Francis Haughney, J. C. Virchow, S Palkonen, Nicolas Roche, David Brendan Price

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83 Citations (Scopus)


The Brussels Declaration, published in the European Respiratory Journal in 2008 1, recognises the high prevalence of patients with poorly controlled asthma and calls for changes in asthma management across Europe. Prescribing an appropriate inhaler device for asthma, a device that the patient accepts and can handle correctly, is one key element in this process. Inhaler mishandling is very common in real-world clinical practice and can contribute to poor asthma control 2–5.

The International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) is committed to identifying reasons for poor asthma control and to promoting interventions to help patients achieve asthma control 6–9. An international panel of healthcare providers (HCPs), academics and a patient representative was convened under the auspices of IPCRG to discuss and challenge the science behind inhaler therapy, and to propose practical solutions to real-life problems related to inhaler choice and mishandling. The focus was on the problems confronting clinicians in prescribing a suitable inhaler for each individual and those confronting patients in using their inhalers.

Until recently, inhaler therapy and devices have been marginal topics of clinical investigation and research in the field of asthma, mainly confined to a limited circle of experts, and lacking evidence for practical application. Thus, we propose this call for action, given: 1) the importance of inhaler technique for effective inhaled therapy; 2) the critical gaps in knowledge that need still to be addressed; and 3) the lack of solid evidence supporting HCPs in making clinical decisions regarding inhalers for asthma treatment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)982-985
Number of pages4
JournalEuropean Respiratory Journal
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2011


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