Les enjeux locaux de la reconstitution des peuples indiens au Mexique: Reconfiguration des rapports entre minorités et pouvoirs publics, le cas totonaque

Translated title of the contribution: The local stakes of the 'reconstitution of indigenous people' in Mexico: The reshaping of relations between minorities and government, the case of the Totonac

Nicolas Ellison

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


English/Spanish This article – based on a field study (2000-2003) of the ethnic-ecological Totonac Indian movement of east-central Mexico – aims to demonstrate how the Chiapas conflict reference and the appropriation of
indigenous rights and sustainable development discourses are made use of
by Indian organizations, the Church and political parties in order to reassess
minorities and their relationship to the authorities. Political competition and
socio-economic discrepancies, far from being somehow “gated communities”, thus paradoxically help to redefine territorial belonging and protect the Totonacs’ restricted autonomy against outer powers.

Este artículo se propone mostrar, a partir de un estudio de campo (2002-2003) sobre el movimiento etnico y ecológico de los Totonacas, en la zona centroeste de México, cómo las organizaciones indígenas, la Iglesia y los partidos políticos se valen de la referencia al conflicto de Chiapas y de la apropiación de los discursos sobre los derechos indígenas y el desarrollo sostenible para replantear la relación entre minorías y poderes públicos.
Lejos de una imagen de “comunidades cerradas”, la competencia política y la
diferenciación socioeconómica contribuyen
así a actualizar las definiciones de
pertenencia a la comunidad territorial y
defender la autonomía relativa de la
población totonaca frente a los distintos
poderes exteriores.
Translated title of the contributionThe local stakes of the 'reconstitution of indigenous people' in Mexico: The reshaping of relations between minorities and government, the case of the Totonac
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)127-145
Number of pages18
JournalCahiers des Amériques Latines
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2006


  • ethnicity
  • Totonac
  • Indian movements
  • social programs
  • Zapatism


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