Light-Responsive Self-Assembled Materials by Supramolecular Post-Functionalization via Hydrogen Bonding of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers

Alberto Concellon, Eva Blasco, Alfonso Martinez-Felipe, Juan Carlos Martínez, Igor Šics, Tiberio A. Ezquerra, Aurora Nogales (Corresponding Author), Milagros Piñ ol (Corresponding Author), Luis Oriol (Corresponding Author)

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A new class of light-responsive supramolecular amphiphilic block copolymers (BCs) based on the association through multiple H-bonding between 4-isobutyloxyazobenzene motifs and 2,6-diacylaminepyridine units is reported. Block copolymers containing 2,6-diacylaminopyridine side units, as hydrophobic block, and poly(ethylene glycol), as a hydrophilic segment, were functionalized with either a carboxylic acid azodendron, via double H-bonding, or a thymine azobenzene, via triple H-bonding. The structural and thermal characterization of these supramolecular azo-copolymers in bulk and solution is presented. The work emphasizes the self-assembly of these supramolecular polymers in water and the study of their UV-light responsive properties by UV–vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and synchrotron small-angle X-ray (SAXS). The present noncovalent postpolymerization functionalization strategy has provided stable self-assemblies in water with light responsive properties that can be used to load and trigger the delivery of small fluorescent molecules.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7825-7836
Number of pages12
Issue number20
Early online date4 Oct 2016
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2016

Bibliographical note

This work was supported by the MINECO, Spain, under Projects MAT2014-59187-R and MAT2014-55205-P, FEDER funding, and Aragon Government. A.C. acknowledges MINE- ́ CO for his Ph.D. grant. A.M.-F. expresses thanks for the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana for his
APOSTD/2013/054 grant. The authors would like to acknowledge the Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigacion (SAI) ́ and the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA) of the Universidad de Zaragoza and the Servei de Microscopia of the ̀ Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona for the TEM and cryo- ̀TEM observations. The authors additionally acknowledge the use of the CEQMA Services of the Universidad de ZaragozaCSIC. The authors also thank the IACS (Aragon Health ́ Sciences Institute) for the confocal microscope studies


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