Mapping of quantitative trait loci for seminal root morphology and gravitropic response in rice

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In order to gain a better understanding of the complex root traits observed in previous studies using a mapping population derived from a Bala x Azucena cross, an experiment was conducted growing plants in agar-filled Perspex chambers with the aim of identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for both seminal root morphology (SRM) and gravitropic response. A total of four main effect QTLs were detected for SRM (a measurement of the degree of a wavy/curly seminal root phenotype); two were located on chromosome 2, one at the top of chromosome 3 and one on chromosome 11. Two main effect QTLs were detected for the gravitropic response (the degree of bending of the growing seminal root when subjected to a 90A degrees rotation); one on chromosome 6 and 1 on chromosome 11. As well as main effect QTLs, an epistatic interaction was observed for each of the traits. For SRM an interaction was detected between the top and the bottom of chromosome 4. For the gravitropic response an interaction was observed between a location on chromosome 6 and 11. Both these interactions were confirmed by analysis of variance using marker classes and the epistatic gravitropic response was also confirmed using a pair of near isogenic lines. All the SRM QTLs detected in this experiment co-localise with root growth QTLs (root penetration or morphology) detected previously in the mapping population. This information could prove valuable in attempts to identify candidate genes for these potentially valuable QTLs because we could postulate that the underlying genes should be involved in the pathway of gravity detection, signal transduction or the growth response to gravity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)229-237
Number of pages9
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2009

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  • QTL mapping
  • Rice
  • Seminal root morphology
  • Root gravitropism
  • QTLS
  • MAP
  • QTL mapping
  • Rice
  • Seminal root morphology
  • Root gravitropism


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