‘No one wants to look after the fibro patient’: designing effective healthcare services for patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review

Research output: Contribution to journalAbstractpeer-review


Background: Patients with fibromyalgia describe feeling frustrated with the healthcare system. Service provision is patchy at best but often non-existent. It is unclear how to effectively organise and deliver healthcare across care settings. In order to inform the development of an optimal model of care for fibromyalgia, we undertook two systematic reviews to examine existing evidence on a) models of care for fibromyalgia and b) patients’ experiences with the healthcare system.
Original languageEnglish
Article number048
Pages (from-to)ii59-ii59
Number of pages1
Issue numberSupplement_3
Early online date12 Apr 2019
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019


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