Spatiotemporal coupling/decoupling of planktonic larvae and benthic settlement in decapods in the Scottish east coast

Maria Pan, Graham J. Pierce, Carey O. Cunningham, Steve J. Hay

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


Settlement patterns and the relationship between meroplanktonic larvae and settlement in decapods were studied on the Scottish east coast. Artificial settlement substrates (ASS), deployed at two locations (sandy vs. rocky sea substrates), were employed to collect megalopae and newly settled juveniles. Abundance of meroplanktonic larvae was used as an indicator of larval supply. The results showed a clear seasonality in settlement rates, and in some cases, significant differences between sites were detected. Nevertheless, the interference of the ASS with the surrounding habitat limits the study of spatial variability in settlement rates. Significant cross-correlation was found between the abundance of megalopae and juveniles in the collectors and planktonic larval abundance a month earlier. For individual species, this relationship was observed only in Pisidia longicornis. Complexities caused by the great variety of pre- and post-settlement processes, alongside effects of secondary dispersals of early juveniles may have obscured the relationship between meroplanktonic larvae and juveniles in other species.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-46
Number of pages16
JournalMarine Biology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2011


  • crab cancer-magister
  • carcinus-maenas
  • chasmagnathus-granulata
  • delayed metamorphosis
  • intertidal habitats
  • upwelling ecosystem
  • community structure
  • megalopae
  • crustacea
  • recruitment


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