Subjective Logic and Arguing with Evidence

Nir Oren, Timothy J Norman, Alun Preece

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This paper introduces a subjective logic based argumentation framework primarily targeted at evidential reasoning. The frame work explicitly caters for argument schemes, accrual of arguments, and burden of proof; these concepts appear in many types of argument, and are particularly useful in dialogues revolving around evidential reasoning. The concept of a sensor is also useful in this domain, representing a source of evidence, and is incorporated in our framework. We show how the framework copes with a number of problems that existing frameworks have difficulty dealing with, and how it can be situated within a simple dialogue game. Finally, we examine reasoning machinery that enables an agent to decide what argument to advance with the goal of maximising its utility at the end of a dialogue.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)838-854
Number of pages16
JournalArtificial Intelligence
Issue number10-15
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2007


  • argumentation
  • dialogue game
  • evidence
  • subjective logic


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