The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD): A Catalyst for Cooperation on the Nile

Zeray Yihdego (Collaborator), Alistair Rieu-Clarke (Collaborator)

Research output: Other contribution


GERD can provide a catalyst for further cooperation on water among the Nile
Basin states.
• Potential benefits extend beyond energy and could trigger regional integration
and foster sustainable economic development across the basin.
• At the same time, the GERD is a large-scale project and mitigating its associated
potential negative impacts will require close collaboration.
• If riparian countries, particularly in the Eastern Nile Basin, can continue to work
jointly to establish a suitable legal and institutional framework, there can be a
significant payoff in the transparent, sustainable and equitable implementation
of water-related infrastructure and development plans.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
PublisherRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016

Publication series

NamePolicy Briefing: Water International
VolumeDecember 2016

Bibliographical note

Water International, Special Issue on The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance
Dam: Legal, Political and Scientific Challenges (Yihdego, Rieu-Clarke &
Cascão, Eds.)


  • Blue NIle, Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Nile, watercoures law


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