Vatnsfjörður 2006: Framvinduskýrslur/Interim Reports

Karen Beatrice Milek

Research output: Working paper

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This multi-authored report, which was edited by Karen Milek, presents the results of the 2006 field season at Vatnsfjörður, as well as the specialist reports from the ongoing zooarchaeological, artefactual, tephrochronological and archaeoentomological analyses. On the Viking Age part of the site, the occupation deposits with a smithy (Structure 3) were excavated, and three new small turf buildings were found -- one with a stone pavement, which was probably a storage room (Structure 4), a small building with an open or wooden eastern gable that contained a grinding stone and had probably been a workhop (Structure 5), and a very small, slightly sunken building beside the smithy, which had probably been used as a fuel store (Structure 6). An extensive evaluation trench programme was also conducted, and one trench on top of the Farm Mound was expanded to reveal a wall and cellar from the last turf house on the farm (1884-1907), which was filled with 20th century rubbish.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationReykjavik
PublisherFornleifastofnun Íslands (Institute of Archaeology, Iceland)
Number of pages120
VolumeFS 356-03096
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Bibliographical note

This report may be cited. This working paper is being incorporated into the monograph on the Viking Age Farmstead at Vatnsfjörður, which is being edited by Karen Milek.


  • Viking Age
  • Early Modern Period
  • Iceland
  • Westfjords
  • Settlement
  • Farmstead
  • Zooarchaeology
  • Archaeoentomology
  • Tephrochronology


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