The Emergence of Secular Mindfulness

  • Graeme Nixon (Speaker)

Activity: Disseminating Research Invited talk


Invited to speak at Royal Northern and University Club, Aberdeen


Mindfulness is everywhere! Schools, hospitals, sports coaches, artists and businesses are investigating secular (non-religious) mindfulness. Some bold claims have been made for this form of secular meditation such as that it can improve mental health, attention, relationships, leadership, creativity and compassion. Professor Graeme Nixon works at the University of Aberdeen and, since 2010, he has been programme director of the MSc Studies in Mindfulness which allows professionals from multiple contexts to apply and examine the potential of mindfulness. In this session Graeme intends to examine the emergence and potential of mindfulness. Graeme will introduce the principles of mindfulness and research findings. He will also include a practical element so that participants can experience mindfulness practice - hopefully a relaxing break on a dark January evening!
Period19 Jan 2023
Held atArts & Social Sciences
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • Mindfulness
  • Secularisation
  • Meditation