Developing teacher autonomy to teach, and to accredit learning from the Lifeplace, to assist understanding of how to incorporate Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) strategies into their teaching

Margaret Harris

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingPublished conference contribution


This paper focuses on the concept of Lifeplace Learning, which is closely linked to, but not the same as, lifelong learning. Lifeplace Learning promotes and develops a new and exciting learning and teaching strategy that has been tested in both Scotland and Europe and which could be a useful strategy for teachers to develop if they are to incorporate effectively, the philosophy and practice of the Curriculum for Excellence. The work undertaken by researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University, which was based on action research methodologies, was carried out during 2002-2008 and resulted in successful students, confident individuals and inspired facilitators who were more motivated, knowledgeable and skilful, than before undertaking the courses of study in Lifeplace Learning.
The fact that in Scotland the Curriculum for Excellence is providing the way forward for education practices, provides a platform for further work on the concept of Lifeplace Learning and this paper suggests how these two important areas can be linked together to help facilitate one and promote the development of the other through initial teacher training.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationICET 55th World Assembly Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011
Event55th ICET World Assembly - Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Duration: 11 Jul 201114 Jul 2011


Conference55th ICET World Assembly
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityGlasgow, Scotland


  • teacher autonomy
  • lifeplace learning
  • Curriculum for Excellence


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