On the Equivalence between Assumption-Based Argumentation and Logic Programming

Martinus Caminada, Claudia Schulz

Research output: Contribution to conferenceUnpublished paperpeer-review


In the current paper, we re-examine the relationship between Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA) and logic programming (LP). For this, we specify a procedure that, given a flat ABA frameworks with unique non-assumption contraries, yields an associated logic program such that the 3-valued stable (resp. well-founded, regular, (2-valued) stable, and ideal) models of the logic program coincide with the complete (resp. grounded, preferred, stable, and ideal) assumption labellings of the ABA framework. Moreover, we show how our results on the translation from ABA to LP can be reapplied for a reverse translation from LP to ABA, and observe that some of the existing results in the literature are in fact special cases of our work. Overall, we show that a frequently used fragment of ABA (flat ABA frameworks with unique non-assumption contraries under complete, grounded, preferred, stable, or ideal semantics) can be seen as a form of logic programming.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventThe first international Workshop on Argumentation and Logic Programming (ArgLP 2015) - Cork, Ireland
Duration: 31 Aug 201531 Aug 2015


ConferenceThe first international Workshop on Argumentation and Logic Programming (ArgLP 2015)

Bibliographical note

Supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK), grant ref. EP/J012084/1 (SAsSy project).


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