6-Bromo-1-methyl-4-[2-(4-nitrobenzylidene)hydrazin-1-yl-idene]-2,2-dioxo-3, 4-dihydro-1H-2λ6,1-benzothiazine

Muhammad Shafiq*, William Thomas Alexander Harrison, Islam Ullah Khan

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In the title compound, C16H13BrN4O 4S, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 4.1 (2)° and the C=N - N=C torsion angle is 175.5 (3)°. The nitro group is almost coplanar with the benzene ring to which it is attached [dihedral angle = 2.9 (7)°]. The thia-zine ring has an S-envelope conformation with the S atom displaced by 0.819 (3) Å from the mean plane of the other five atoms (r.m.s. deviation = 0.017 Å). In the crystal, C - H⋯O interactions link the molecules and weak aromatic π-π stacking [centroid-centroid separation = 3.874 (2) Å] is also observed.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbero2717
Number of pages8
JournalActa Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online
Early online dateSept 2012
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012


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