Applying Edmodo in Improving Student Achievement in Teaching English As Foreign Language for Eleventh Grader in MAN 1 Ambon

Research output: Working paper


The goal of this research is to determine of the implementation of Edmodo in learning English as foreign language for the eleventh grader in MAN 1 Ambon. The problems of this research are how Edmodo is implemented by the teachers in learning English as foreign language (EFL) in order to gain the better results of students learning achievement and what the problems around using Edmodo are found and solved by the teachers. It is a classroom action research based on qualitative-research. Research’s data is collected by doing class observation, filling the questionnaire, and test in two cycles. The first cycle results the average score that students can accomplish is 44.38 points which is below from the standard of minimum accomplishment (SMA) that is 75 points and there are only 12% of the students can accomplish the test. By applying Edmodo in the second cycle, the average mark of the students is touching 82.61 points with the conclusion that Edmodo succeed increases students’ achievements. The difficulties that are encountered in applying Edmodo in digital class are the availability of the hardware from the internet infrastructure to personal computer or smartphone of the students and the proficiency of students and teachers in using Edmodo.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2018

Publication series

ISSN (Electronic)1556-5068


  • Teaching English as Foreign Language
  • Edmodo
  • Students’ Achievements


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