Commissioned Research on HPV Frequency in Cervical Cancers and Premalignant lesions of the Cervix

J. Jamison, R. Wilson, L.A. Anderson, A. T. Gavin, Northern Ireland HPV Working Group

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This report documents an investigation of the frequency of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes across cervical disease states in Northern Ireland ranging from koilocytosis to cervical cancer. It builds upon earlier work by the Northern Ireland HPV Working Group which reported a HPV prevalence of 17.1% overall in women aged 20-65 years irrespective of pathology and 13.2% among women in the screening age group (20-60 years) with normal cytology (Anderson et al. 2012, Anderson et al. 2013).
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDepartment of Health, N Ireland
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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