Fiber-Type Composition of 9 Rat Muscles: 1. Changes During the 1st Year of Life

Charlotte Maltin, Margaret Inkster Delday, A G S Baillie, D A Grubb, P J Garlick

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There are few data available that describe the changes in fiber-type profiles with age in a range of muscles; thus fiber-type profiles and areas were determined in nine muscles of female rats from weaning to 1 yr. The results not only demonstrated the difference in fiber-type composition, size, and hence functional area in the various muscles examined but also illustrated the changes in these parameters with age. In particular, it was clear that two ends of a spectrum of fiber compositions are represented in the muscles studied: tensor fasciae latae, mainly fast-twitch glycolytic at one end and soleus (and adductor longus), mainly slow-twitch oxidative at the other; the remaining muscles were mostly dominated by fast-twitch fibers of a variety of metabolic types. Aging resulted in an increase in fiber area that was most dramatic in fast-twitch glycolytic fibers. Changes in fiber type with age were noted in all muscles, but the exact nature of the developmental changes appeared muscle specific.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E823-E827
Number of pages5
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1989


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