Incident Command: Tales from the Hot Seat

Rhona Flin, K Arbuthnot

Research output: Book/ReportBook


One of the most critical factors in crisis management is the skill of the incident commander. This book extends the literature on this subject by examining personal experiences of incident command from a range of professions and attempting to reconcile these with an academic analysis of the subject. Case studies are supplied to assist the researcher with little or no first-hand knowledge of the reality of command in the services. They provide the context for the observations and measurements taken from the field and should give a deeper feel for the subject matter. Overall, the text aims to enable the researcher or student of command to stand back from the detail of decision-making models in order to reflect upon the qualitative aspects of command as well.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAldershot, United Kingdom
ISBN (Print)0754613410, 978-0754613411
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2002


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