Regulation of Androgen Receptor Activity by Transient Interactions of Its Transactivation Domain with General Transcription Regulators

Eva De Mol, Elzbieta Szulc, Claudio Di Sanza, Paula Martínez-Cristóbal, Carlos W Bertoncini, R Bryn Fenwick, Marta Frigolé-Vivas, Marianela Masín, Irene Hunter, Víctor Buzón, Isabelle Brun-Heath, Jesús García, Gianni De Fabritiis, Eva Estébanez-Perpiñá, Iain J McEwan, Ángel R Nebreda, Xavier Salvatella

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The androgen receptor is a transcription factor that plays a key role in the development of prostate cancer, and its interactions with general transcription regulators are therefore of potential therapeutic interest. The mechanistic basis of these interactions is poorly understood due to the intrinsically disordered nature of the transactivation domain of the androgen receptor and the generally transient nature of the protein-protein interactions that trigger transcription. Here, we identify a motif of the transactivation domain that contributes to transcriptional activity by recruiting the C-terminal domain of subunit 1 of the general transcription regulator TFIIF. These findings provide molecular insights into the regulation of androgen receptor function and suggest strategies for treating castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-152
Number of pages8
Issue number1
Early online date7 Dec 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2018

Bibliographical note

The authors thank Miquel Pons, Philipp Selenko, and Peter Wright for helpful discussions as well as Joan Miquel Valverde (IRB) and the ICTS NMR facility, managed by the scientific and technological centers of the University of Barcelona (CCiT UB), for their help in protein production and NMR. They also thank the IRB protein expression core facility for its assistance in cloning, the IRB advanced microscopy facility for assistance in immunofluorescence and PLA, and the IRB biostatistics and bioinformatics facility for assistance in the analysis of the gene reporter and PLA data. This work was supported by IRB, ICREA (X.S.), Obra Social “la Caixa” (E.D.M., E.S., and X.S.), MINECO (BIO2012-31043 and BIO2015-70092-R to X.S., BIO2014-53095-P to G.D.F.), Marató de TV3 (102030 to X.S. and 102031 to E.E.-P), the COFUND program of the European Commission (C.D.S.), the European Research Council (CONCERT, contract number 648201 to X.S.), the Ramón y Cajal program of MICINN (RYC-2011-07873 to C.W.B.), the Serra Hunter Program (E.E.-P.), AGAUR (SGR-2014-56RR14 to E.E.-P), and FEDER (G.D.F.). I.H. was supported by funding from the Chief Scientist's Office of the Scottish Government (ETM-258, ETM-382). IRB Barcelona is the recipient of a Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence from MINECO (Government of Spain).


  • androgen receptor
  • castration-resistant prostate cancer
  • transcription
  • intrinsic disorder
  • protein-protein interactions
  • transcription factor IIF
  • protein phosphorylation


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