The Dixmier property and tracial states for C*-algebras

Robert Archbold, Leonel Robert, Aaron Tikuisis

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It is shown that a unital C∗-algebra A has the Dixmier property if and only if
it is weakly central and satisfies certain tracial conditions. This generalises the Haagerup–Zsid´o theorem for simple C∗-algebras. We also study a uniform version of the Dixmier property, as satisfied for example by von Neumann algebras and the reduced C∗-algebras of Powers groups, but not by all C∗
-algebras with the Dixmier property, and we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a simple unital C∗-algebra with unique tracial state to have this uniform property. We give further examples of C∗-algebras with the uniform
Dixmier property, namely all C∗-algebras with the Dixmier property and finite radius of comparison-by-traces. Finally, we determine the distance between two Dixmier sets, in an arbitrary unital C∗-algebra, by a formula involving tracial data and algebraic numerical ranges.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2655-2718
Number of pages55
JournalJournal of Functional Analysis
Issue number8
Early online date8 Jul 2017
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017

Bibliographical note

A.T. was partially supported by an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship and through the EPSRC grant EP/N00874X/1.

We are grateful to Luis Santiago for helpful discussions at an early stage of this investigation. We would also like to thank the referee for providing helpful comments, which have led to a number of improvements.


  • C*-algebra
  • Dixmier property
  • tracial states
  • ultrapower


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